작성자 : 국립민속박물관
2018-06-14 조회수 : 5034

Dano (May 5th of the luna calender) is a Korean traditional holiday when the Spring turns to Summer. Dano was also known as the strongest day of solar energy, called as Surit-nal, Jungoh-jeol, or Chenjungjeol. Meanwhile as the weather grows warmer, poetry books called Dano-cheop was offered to the King in the royal court while the King presented fans to the courtiers. Unlikely in villages, women washed their hair with sweet flag root extract. Herbs as Surichi and Ssuk were either decorated on the gates or baked in herbal rice cakes. In order to pray for abundant harvest and peace, shamanistic ritual worshipping with amulets and ceremonies were in celebration of Dano. Folk games were played include Ssireum (wrestling), swing, and crafting colorful thread bracelet named Jangmeyongru wishing good health and longevity.