2020 Education Programs for Foreigners

작성자 : 국립민속박물관
2020-02-10 조회수 : 1538

1. 2020 Experiencing Korean Holiday with Traditional Food in NFMK (외국인과 함께 맛있는 명절 나기)

The National Folk Museum of Korea runs education programs for foreigners to experience Korean holidays Seol, Dano and Chuseok. It will be a good opportunity to understand Korean custom through cooking and tasting Korean traditional holiday foods such as Tteokguk and Songpyeon. Anyone who has interest, please feel free to join our classes and have a meaningful time in NFMK.

  • Program Title: Experiencing Korean Holiday with Traditional Food in NFMK (외국인과 함께 맛있는 명절 나기)
  • Date & Time: 2020. 1. 17(Fri) / 6. 23(Tue) / 9. 25(Fri) 14:00-16:00 (2hrs)
  • Theme: Understanding Korean Custom through Making Traditional Holiday Foods
  • For: Foreign Residence in Korea, Foreign Students, Foreign Workers, Multicultural Families (Individual or Group)
    * Individual participant is allowed to participate in the program which has already been booked by other groups.
    (Mandatory discussion via call needed prior to participation)
  • Group Size per Class: Around 20~25 people
  • Location: NFMK Traditional Culture Center (Bae-um-teo) [국립민속박물관 전통문화배움터]
  • Fee: Free
  • How to Book: Submit application form via e-mail cjoo64@korea.kr (in order of arrival)
    * The official seal of the group or center must be included in the application form.
  • Booking Period: In Order of Arrival (for each program)
  • Notice
    - The contents and schedule of programs are subject to change under museum's circumstances.
    - If you have any inquiries about programs, please contact the Program Managers.
    · 02-3704-3106, 3107 / cjoo64@korea.kr
세부 내용
-Understanding the meaning and custom of Seol
-Making foods
(Tteok-Mandu-guk(떡만둣국) & Bindae-tteok(빈대떡))
-Understanding the meaning and custom of Dano
-Making foods
(Surichui-tteok(수리취떡) & Aengdu-hwachae(앵두화채))
-Understanding the meaning and custom of Chuseok
-Making food (Songpyun(송편))

2. 2020 한국문화 알기 Step by Step Korean Culture!

The National Folk Museum of Korea runs various cultural education programs for foreigners to understand Korean folk culture. Various topics and in-depth programs related to Korean folklore are prepared. Anyone who has interest, please feel free to join our classes and have a meaningful time in NFMK.

  • Program Title: Step by Step Korean Culture!
  • Date & Time: Tuesday or Friday, March-November, 2020/ 14:00-17:00 (3hrs)
  • Theme: Seasonal Event Based Program, Permanent Exhibition Based Program
  • For: Foreign Residence in Korea, Foreign Students, Foreign Workers, Multicultural Families (Group)
  • Group Size per Class: Around 25 people
    * If the number of participants is under 10, classes can be canceled.
  • Location: NFMK Traditional Culture Center (Bae-um-teo) [국립민속박물관 전통문화배움터] & Permanent Exhibition Galleries
  • Fee: Free
    * Depending on the contents, some programs require material fee.
    → ₩ 6,000 (Making folding fan or Hanji paper craft)
         ₩ 8,000 (Drawing folk painting)
  • How to Book
    1) Choose the desired program
    2) Check the available date and time with Program Manger(PM) via call in advance (02-3704-3107)
    3) After the PM's confirmation of the schedule, submit the application by E-mail (cjoo64@korea.kr)
    * The official seal of the group or center must be included in the application form.
  • Booking Period: From 2020. 2. 24. (Mon), In Order of Arrival
  • Notice
    - The contents and schedule of programs are subject to change under museum's circumstances.
    - If you have any inquiries about programs, please contact the Program Managers.
    · 02-3704-3106, 3107 / cjoo64@korea.kr
Theme Season Contents   Fees
Spring [The swallows are coming back on Samjinnal]
-What is Samjinnal?
-Let's make! (Hwajeon (flower pancake))
Let's make! Hwajeon -
Summer [Welcoming summer with Dano]
-Understanding the custom of Dano and playing folk games
-Let's make! (Folding fan)
Folding fan Folding fan
₩ 6,000
Winter [The longest night of the year, Dongji]
-Understanding Dongji custom
-Let's make! (Redbean porridge & Rice dumpling)
Dongji Redbean porridge -
[Korean Clothes]
-Experiencing Hanbok and learning Korean greeting manner
-Exhibition tour on traditional clothes section dressed in Hanbok
Exhibition tour(related to clothes session) with Hanbok -
[Korean Music]
-Tour on permanent exhibition 2:
·Understanding seasonal life of Korean in spring and summer
·Understanding Baekjung
-Let's play!
·Nongak (traditional percussion)
Nongak -
[Korean Plays]
-Tour on permanent exhibition 2:
·Understanding Talchum
-Let's Dance!
·Bukcheong Lion Dance, Kangryeong Mask Dance
[Korean Symbolic Signs]
-Exhibition activity: Finding the symbolic signs of longevity, wealth&prosperity, and love etc.
-Choose either activity ① or ②

Let's make! (Hanji paper craft)
Let's draw! (Folk painting)
Hanji paper craft Hanji
paper craft
₩ 6,000
folk painting Folk painting
₩ 8,000