The 36th Korean Annual Traditional Handicraft Art Exhibition

작성자 : 국립민속박물관
2011-10-11 조회수 : 852

2011-10-05 ~ 2011-10-24

The Korean Annual Traditional Handicraft Art Exhibition, the largest traditional handicraft exhibition of Korea, which is being held in a form of a contest exhibition each year in order to preserve and transmit traditional handicraft technique celebrates its 36th anniversary. The screening committee went through a critical screening of 5 rounds in this contest exhibition in which 432 works in 25 types of 10 divisions were presented and competed, and finally selected 119 works as this year’s awarded works. 10 works in 10 divisions were nominated as the final round nominated works which is composed of the best works of each division; in the 2nd round screening (final award screening) that was conducted as a public screening, <Yukgakbaekdongchotdae> by Cho Sung-jun was awarded for the President’s award. This work is evaluated highly for its expression of graceful and beautiful kyubang chotdae of Choseon and its assembling technique that revived baehullimseon that flows in a pillar in a and outstanding board work technique. The 36th Korean Annual Traditional Handicraft Art Exhibition weighed its value in “transmission” of handicraft technique and recovery while reflecting this in the screening process thoroughly so it can carry on its role as a research on originality of handicraft techniques, discover of handicraft artists and their gateway. The Korean Annual Traditional Handicraft Art Exhibition will continue to explore the question of tradition and transmission, field of transmission and vision of Korean Annual Traditional Handicraft Art Exhibition in today’s traditional handicraft.