Mediator between Heaven and Earth - Shaman

작성자 : 국립민속박물관
2011-11-30 조회수 : 875

A shaman, who is capable of directly communicating with supernatural beings, is the central part of a religious activity known as shamanism. In Korea, a shaman is called Mu-dang and the religious activity centering on a shaman is called Mu-sok. This exhibition focuses on shamans and their communal role and a wide range of shamanism materials from Korea, Himalayas, Siberia, and Sakhalin are featured for a comparison.

The tales revealed through shamanism materials are not different from the wishes that mankind can have in life. A shaman represents the wish of human as well as the answer of god. Through this exhibition, the visitors could encounter a shaman as a man who stood between god and man and could see our reflection in various wishes offered to god.