, Title, Period, Venue, Contents, Date, Attach 상세정보 입니다.
Title Korean Folk Painting and Screens
Period 2006-04-19 ~ 2006-07-17
Venue ExhibitionⅠ

This special exhibition, Korean Folk Painting and Screens, introduces carefully selected items from the folk art collection of The National Folk Museum of Korea. It attempts to go beyond most of the earlier object- oriented exhibitions and to interpret folk paintings in the spatial context of everyday settings. In sarangbang (master's quarter), a Painting of Books and Stationary, expresses the Confucian elite's aspiration for learning and refined taste. In anbang (lady's quarter), a Painting Birds and Flowers conveys wishes for prosperity and happiness in the family. In anmadang (inner courtyard), a Peony Screen stands at a wedding ceremony to bless a newly-wed couple with its symbolism of wealth and honors. Korean folk paintings and screens, displayed for both decorative and symbolic purpose, represent an important aspect of Korean folk life and sense of beauty.

Date 2008-06-24
이전글, 다음글 등의 정보가 있습니다.
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