, Title, Period, Venue, Contents, Date, Attach 상세정보 입니다.
Title Junk x User's Guide
Period 2017-07-19 ~ 2017-10-31
Venue ExhibitionⅠ

Special Exhibition 《Junk x User's Guide 》

In collaboration with MuCEM (Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations), National Folk Museum of Korea presents Junk x User's Guide to seek solutions for one of the common issues of humanity, trash.

Whereas it originally refers to 'discarded matter regarded as worthless', it is not difficult to find waste that could be used.
What we threw away not only reflects what we ate, wore and used but also how much we 'waste' without properly thinking. Therefore, the fact that garbage could be a resource as well as a problem is relevant with the way we are living.

The exhibition consists of two parts; Part1 questions the issue of garbage that we produced in this age of mass production and mass consumption and Part2 shares suggestions from our neighbor.
The root of the problem of waste is ourselves. We hope this exhibition becomes an opportunity to rethink and reflect on our roles for the sake of our lives, environment and future.


Date 2017-08-04
이전글, 다음글 등의 정보가 있습니다.
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