번호, 제목, 내용, 글쓴이, 등록일, 조회 상세정보 입니다.
Season Winter
Period 7 December (solar calendar)
Introduction "Daeseol" (大雪), which literally means "big snow," is the day on which heavy snowfall is expected, although it is not very likely around this time of year.

"Daeseol" (大雪), which literally means "big snow," is the day on which heavy snowfall is expected, although it is not very likely around this time of year. Originally, the twenty-four seasonal sub-divisions, or solar terms, reflected the seasonal characteristics of the Northern Chinese region, which inevitably led to differences when applied to the Korean calendar. "Daeseol" usually falls around December 7 or 8 of the solar calendar.

대설 관련 자료

이억영의 대설풍경 그림

1956년 12월7일자 서울일보 대설관련 기사

Landscape of Daeseol" by Lee Eok-yeong
"Today Is Daeseol", the Seoul Ilbo, dated December 7, 1956

The eleventh month of the lunar calendar, inclusive of "Daeseol," is an off-season (農閑期) for farmers who by this time have gererally finished the year’s work and are preparing for the new year. This is the season of abundance when the granary is full of newly harvested grains and there’s no need to worry about food.

대설 관련 자료


제천의 폭설

A Winter Scene
Heavy Snow in Jecheon City, Chungcheongbuk-do

It was believed that if it snowed heavily on "Daeseol," the winter would be warm and the next year would bring a good harvest. It is presumed that this belief had something to do with the idea that precipitation would benefit farmers in the following year. Like the old saying, "Snow is a blanket for barley," Korean farmers believed that if snow covered the barley fields, it would help maintain the ground temperature and prevent severe damage from cold (凍害), and thereby result in a good barley harvest. This explains why farmers paid attention to snowfall on and around "Daeseol."